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1.    Kerstein, R.B., Radke, J. Clinician accuracy when subjectively interpreting articulating paper markings. The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2013; 32 (1):13-23.
2.    Sutter BA A digital poll of dentists testing the accuracy of paper mark subjective interpretation, CRANIO®, Aug 9:1-8 DOI:10.1080/08869634.2017.1362786 
3.    Basson E, Kerstein RB, Radke J. Ability to Correctly Select High Force Occlusal Contacts from Articulating Paper Markings. Adv Dent Tech. 2020;2(1):101-10.
4.    Koldsland OC, Scheie, AA, Aass AM. Prevalence of implant loss and the influence of associated factors. Journal of Periodontology, 2009;80(7):1069-1075.
5.    Astrand P, Ahlqvist J, Gunne J, Nilson H. Implant treatment of patients with edentulous jaws: A 20-year follow-up. Clinical Implant Dentistry Related Research. 2008;10(4):207-217.
6.    Nixon, KC, Chen ST, Ivanovski S. A retrospective analysis of 1,000 consecutively placed implants in private practice. Australian Dental Journal, 2009;54(2):123-129.
7.    Kaptein, MLA, DePutter C, Delange GL, Blijdorp PA. A clinical evaluation of 76 implant supported superstructures in the composite grafted maxilla. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 1999;26:619-623.
8.    Wang JH, Judge R, Bailey D. A 5-Year Retrospective Assay of Implant Treatments and Complications in Private Practice: The Restorative Complications of Single and Short-Span Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses. Int J Prosthodont,(2016;29(5):435-44.  doi:10.11607/ijp.4794.
9.    Sailer I et. al, A Systematic Review of the Survival and Complication Rates of Zirconia-Ceramic and Metal-Ceramic Multiple-Unit Fixed Dental Prostheses. Clin Oral Implants Res Actions 2018;29;(Suppl 16):184-198.    doi: 10.1111/clr.13277
10.    Carey, J.P., Craig, M., Kerstein, R.B., & Radke, J. Determining a relationship between applied occlusal load and articulation paper mark area. The Open Dental Journal, 2007;1:1-7.
11.    Qadeer, S., Kerstein, R.B., Yung-Kim, R.J., Huh, J.B., & Shin, S.W. Relationship between articulation paper mark size and percentage of force measured with computerized occlusal analysis. Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 2012;4:7-12.
12.    Saad, M.N., Weiner. G., Ehrenberg, D., & Weiner, S. Effects of load and indicator type upon occlusal contact markings. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B, 2008;85(1):18-22.


