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1. Aimetti M, Garbo D, Ercoli E et al. Long-term prognosis of severely compromised teeth following combined periodontal and orthodontic treatment: A retro-spective study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020;40:95-102. 

2. Boyer S, Fontanel F, Danan M  et al. Severe periodontitis and orthodontics: Evaluation of long-term results. Int Orthod 2011;9: 259-273. 

3. Brunsvold MA. Pathologic tooth migration. J Periodontol 2005;76: 859-866. 

4. Garat JA, Martin AE, Gordillo ME,  Ubios AM. Effect of orthodontic forces on root resorption in molars  submitted to experimental periodontitis. Acta Odontol Latinoam 2004;17:3-7. 

5. Ghezzi C, Masiero S, Silvestri M, Zanotti G, Rasperini G. Orthodontic treatment of periodontally involved teeth after tissue regeneration. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2008;28:559-567. 

6. Gkantidis N, Christou P, Topouzelis N. The orthodontic-periodontic interrelationship in integrated treatment challenges: A systematic review. J Oral Rehabil 2010;37:377-390. 

7. Hirschfeld J, Reichardt E, Sharma P et al. Interest in orthodontic tooth alignment in adult patients affected by periodontitis: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional pilot study. J Periodontol 2019;90:957-965. 

8. Johal A, Ide M. Orthodontics in the adult patient, with special reference to the periodontally compromised patient. Dental update 1999;26:101-104, 106-108. 

9. Jordan LB, Micheelis W, Cholmakob-Bodechtel C. Fünfte Deutsche Mundgesund heits-studie (DMS V). Köln: Deutscher Zahnärzte Verlag DÄV, 2016. 

10. Kwok V, Caton JG.  Commentary: Prognosis revisited: A system for  assigning periodontal prognosis. J Periodontol 2007;78:2063-2071. 

11. Martinez-Canut P, Carrasquer A, Magan R, Lorca A. A study on factors associated with pathologic tooth migration.  J Clin Periodontol 1997;24: 492-497. 

12. Nesse W, Abbas F, van der Ploeg I et al. Periodontal in?amed surface area: Quantifying inflammatory burden. J Clin Periodontol 2008;35:668-673. 

13. Papapanou PN, Sanz M, Buduneli N et al. Periodontitis: Consensus report of workgroup 2  of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions. J Periodontol 2018;89(Suppl 1): S173-S182. 

14. Rabie ABM, Gildenhhys R, Boisson M. Management of patients with severe bone loss: Bone induction and orthodontics. World J Orthod 2001;2:142-153. 

15. Re S, Corrente G, Abundo R, Cardaropoli D. Orthodontic treatment in periodontally compromised patients: 12-year report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2000;20:31-39. 

16. Roccuzzo M, Marchese S, Dalmasso P, Roccuzzo A. Periodontal regeneration and orthodontic treatment of severely periodontally compromised teeth: 10-year results of a prospective study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018;38:801-809. 

17. Sanders NL. Evidence-based care in orthodontics and periodontics: A review of the literature. J Am Dent Assoc 1999;130:521-527. 

18. Towfighi PP, Brunsvold MA, Storey AT et al. Pathologic migration of anterior teeth in patients with moderate to severe periodontitis. J Periodontol 1997;68:967-972.


