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1. Lin WS, Harris BT, Zandinejad A, Morton D. Use of digital data acquisi-tion and CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of a fixed complete dental prosthesis on dental implants. J Prosthet Dent 2014;111:1–5.

2. Lanis A, Llorens P, 섀lvarez del Canto O. Selecting the appropriate digital planning pathway for computer-guided implant surgery. Int J Comp Dent 2017;20:75–85.

3. Verstreken K, Van Cleynenbreugel J, Martens K, Marchal G, van Steen-berghe D, Suetens P. An image-guided planning system for endosse-ous oral implants. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 1998;17:842–852. 

4. Wismeijer D, Joda T, Flügger T, et al. Group 5 ITI Consensus Report: Digital technologies. Clin Oral Implants Res 2018;29(suppl 16):436–442.

5. Lanis A, 섀lvarez Del Canto O. The combination of digital surface scan-ners and cone beam computed tomography technology for guided implant surgery using 3Shape implant studio software: a case history report. Int J Prosthodont 2015;28:169–178.

6. Joda T, Derksen W, Wittneben JG, Kuehl S. Static computer-aided implant surgery (s-CAIS) analyzing patient-reported outcome meas-ures (PROMs), economics and surgical complications: a systematic review. Clin Oral Implants Res 2018;29(suppl 16):359–373.

7. Dorosz N, Dominiak M. Mandibular ridge reconstruction: a review of contemporary methods. Adv Clin Exp Med 2018;27:1159–1168.

8. Leziy SS, Miller BA. Integrating a full digital workᰀow to achieve opti-mal surgical and restorative outcomes in implant dentistry. Com-pend Contin Educ Dent 2019;40:414–421.

9. D’haese J, Ackhurst J, Wismeijer D, De Bruyn H, Tahmaseb A. Current state of the art of computer-guided implant surgery. Periodontol 2000 2017;73:121–133.

10. Tahmaseb A, Wu V, Wismeijer D, Coucke W, Evans C. The accuracy of static computer-aided implant surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Oral Implants Res 2018;29(suppl 16):416–435. 

11. Polido WD, Aghaloo T, Emmett TW, Taylor TD, Morton D. Number of implants placed for complete-arch Ḁxed prostheses: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Oral Implants Res 2018;29(suppl 16):154–183. 

12. Pollini A, Goldberg J, Mitrani R, Morton D. The lip-tooth-ridge classi-Ḁcation: a guidepost for edentulous maxillary arches. Diagnosis, risk assessment, and implant treatment indications. Int J Periodontics Re-storative Dent 2017;37:835–841.

13. Tahmaseb A, Wismeijer D, Coucke W, Derksen W. Computer techno-logy applications in surgical implant dentistry: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29(suppl):25–42.

14. Beretta M, Poli PP, Tansella S, Maiorana C. Virtually guided alveolar ridge reduction combined with computer-aided implant placement for a bimaxillary implant-supported rehabilitation: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2018;120:168–172. 

15. Alzoubi F, Massoomi N, Nattestad A. Bone reduction to facilitate immediate implant placement and loading using CAD/CAM surgical guides for patients with terminal dentition. J Oral Implantol 2016;42:406–410. 

16. Lal K, White GS, Morea DN, Wright RF. Use of stereolithographic tem-plates for surgical and prosthodontic implant planning and place-ment. Part I. The concept. J Prosthodont 2006;15:51–58. 

17. Costa AJM, Teixeira Neto AD, Burgoa S, Gutierrez V, Cortes ARG. Fully digital workᰀow with magnetically connected guides for full-arch implant rehabilitation following guided alveolar ridge reduction. J Prosthodont 2020;29:272–276. 

18. Lerner H, Hauschild U, Sader R, Ghanaati S. Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up. BMC Oral Health 2020;20:15.

19. Bedrossian E, Bedrossian EA. Fundamental principles for immediate implant stability and loading. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2019;40:i1–i8.

20. Rawal S, Balshi TJ, Jivraj S, Birdi B. Evolution of full-arch implant pros-thodontics: from analog protocols to digital workᰀows. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2019;40:578–585.

21. von Krammer R. Principles and technique in sublingual ᰀange exten-sion and complete mandibular dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1982;47: 479–482.

22. Verstreken K, Van Cleynenbreugel J, Marchal G, Naert I, Suetens P, van Steenberghe D. Computer-assisted planning of oral implant surgery: a three-dimensional approach. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1996;11:806–810. 

23. Verstreken K, Van Cleynenbreugel J, Martens K, Marchal G, van Steen-berghe D, Suetens P. An image-guided planning system for endosse-ous oral implants. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 1998;17:842–852. 

24. Venezia P, Torsello F, Santomauro V, Dibello V, Cavalcanti R. Full digi-tal workᰀow for the treatment of an edentulous patient with guided surgery, immediate loading and 3D-printed hybrid prosthesis: The BARI technique 2.0. A case report. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019;16:5160.

25. Lanis A, Padial-Molina M, Selman A, Alvarez Del Canto O. Reducing distortion of implant- or abutment-level impressions for implant-sup-ported prosthetic rehabilitation: a technique report. Int J Periodon-tics Restorative Dent 2015;35:e84–e89.


